Etiket arşivi: Poverty

Public Health in Developed Countries

Dear Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media

On 24th of April 2024, we held a 1 hour lecture for
Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a subject of

Public Health in Developed Countries

  • Poverty not only excludes people from the benefits of health-care systems but also restricts them from participating in decisions that affect their health.
  • The resulting health inequalities are well documented, and the search for greater equity attracts many concerned players and initiatives.
  • Fundamental to the success of these efforts, however, is the need for people to be able to negotiate their own inclusion into health systems and demand adequate health care.
  • There are strog relations between having a well established public health care system and
    being a wealthy country.

Developed countries are aware of the strong relationship between Public Health services and development. The backbone of Health Services has been defined as Public Health system.
Public Health services have been institutionalized in developed country.
Public Health institutions are scientifically free, administratively and financially autonomous.
Health Care Preparations are made with national plans against disasters.
For this purpose, it is aimed to carry out risk management, not disaster management.
At the faculty level, Schools of Public Health were established, led by a dean.
Public Health services are carried out largely with public responsibility.
Turkiye needs institutions like CDC, FAO, NIOSH, EFSA, EMA...
It is necessary to strengthen the Public Health Departments in Medical Faculties.

Please click the link below to review 39 slides that are enriched & updated.

Public Health in Developed Countries
(3 MB pdf)

With respect and love. 02nd May 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
LLM in Health Law       X  @profsaltik

Tuberculosis is not a disease of the past

Tuberculosis is not a disease of the past

Andrea Ammon

Andrea Ammon,
Director of ECDC


The threat tuberculosis (TB) poses should be high on the public health agenda – even in low-incidence settings such as the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). With nearly 60 000 cases detected annually and affecting vulnerable populations disproportionately, TB remains a problem for the region, with no end currently in sight for the epidemic.

World TB Day is commemorated annually on the 24th March to raise awareness of the epidemic. For the occasion, ECDC released its annual joint TB surveillance and monitoring report with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The report states that the annual decline of TB incidence needs to be at least doubled to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal target of ending the TB epidemic by 2030.

In addition to active TB, latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) needs to be tackled; carriers are asymptomatic but might develop active infectious TB later. To enable Member States to develop better screening strategies for LTBI, ECDC released technical reports on mathematical modelling and cost effectiveness analysis for this purpose. These are complemented by a tool directed at public health professionals and policymakers to help the estimation of costs and effects of different LTBI screening strategies.

ECDC also released an infographic illustrating how whole genome sequencing (WGS) would enable better management and investigation of TB outbreaks in the EU/EEA. This type of technology is key to curb transmission and to prevent the resurgence of TB.

The fight against TB is not over and we must increase our efforts until TB is eliminated once and for all.

Deas Madams / Sirs

Thanks tu Andrea Ammon, Director of ECDC…

Technical data and evaluation is quite sufficient..

How about underlying basic cause(s) of TB??

For example, poverty with the top priority??!

It should never be neglected :

  • TB infection is a result of socio-economic conditions rather than biological ones..

With regards. 6th May 2018

Professor of Public Health
Ankara Univ. Medical School, Dept. of Public Health, Turkiye

HEALTH ECONOMICS & PUBLIC HEALTH / Sağlık Ekonomisi ve Halk Sağlığı


Sağlık Ekonomisi” başlığı altında bu konuyu daha kapsamlı olarak sitemizde
size sunmuştuk.

Bu kez, Ankara Üniv. Tıp Fak. de İngilizce verdiğimiz dersler kapasmında
Health Economics & Public Health” başlığıyla sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.
Hep biz mi yabancıları okuyacağız, biraz da onlar bizi okuyarak öğrensinler..

Özellikle Türkiye’de AB-IMF-DB güdümünde

1. Sağlık hizmeti hakkının öznesi yurttaşı müşteriye,
2. Sağlık hizmeti ödevlisi devleti tüccara – sermayenin sopalı tahsildarlığına

dönüştüren kimi Sağlık Bakanlığı (“Komiserliği” desek ayıp olur mu?) görevlileri okusunlar dileriz.. 2 dosyayı da..

Yararlı olsun.

Sevgi ve saygı ile. 02.06.2012.

Sevgi ve saygı ile.
12 Ekim 2016, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK
Halk Sağlığı – Toplum Hekimliği Uzmanı
AÜTF Halk Sağlığı AbD 
