Introduction to Public Health

Dear Phase 1 Students, Research Assistants,
Residents of Atılım University Medical School
and general readers of our website..

A one hour lecture with the theme

Introduction to Public Health 

will be held on 20th September 2024, at 15:30 – 16:20 in Hall 207.

This presentation is consisted of 59 slides (4.1 MB) and can be downloaded by the following link in addition to Moodle media of Atılım University Medical School.


With the hope and expectations of being usefull..

I wish all of you a very successfull undergraduate medical training ..

18th September 2024, Ankara


Professor of Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration

Introduction to Public Health” hakkında bir yorum

  1. Gönül Pınar Atacı

    Wonderfull and amazing presentation. Congretulations. thanks and best wisheses to dear Prof.SALTIK


Gönül Pınar Atacı için bir yanıt yazın Yanıtı iptal et

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