Etiket arşivi: Radiation & Health

Radiation & Health

Dear Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 31st of March 2023, we conducted a 1 hour on-line lecture on MS-TEAMS for
Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a subject of

Radiation & Health

  • Radiation can damage the DNA in our cells.
  • High doses of radiation can cause
    Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) or Cutaneous Radiation Injuries (CRI).
  • High doses of radiation could also lead to cancer later in life.
  • Radiation is invisible and odorless!
    The waste can remain radioactive for a few hours or several months or even
    hundreds of thousands of years.

Please click the link below to review 38 slides that are enriched & updated.

Radiation & Health   (3,3MB pdf)

With respect and love. 31st March 2023, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
LLM in Health Law       twitter  @profsaltik