Food & Water Hygiene and Sampling Techniques

Dear Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 9th May 2024, we conducted a 2 hours lecture for Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a title / topic of

Food & Water Hygiene and Sampling Techniques

Here are the 74 power point slides having a rich and up to date content. (PDF 8 MB)

Food & Water Hygiene and Sampling Techniques

Brief notes for rapid review                                   :

  • The global food system is broken!
  • ´Millions of people aren’t getting enough to eat, and millions of others are eating too much
    of the wrong foods. 
  • ´Many families can’t afford enough ‘nutrient rich foods’ like fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, meat and milk, while foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt are cheap and readily available.
  • ´Undernutrition and overweight are now problems affecting people within the same communities at the same time period.
  • 8.9 %of the world’s population are undernourished
  • This means they have a caloric intake below minimum energy requirements.
  • 663 million people globally are undernourished.
  • 22% of children younger than five are ‘stunted’
  • They are significantly shorter than the average for their age, as a consequence of
    poor nutrition or repeated infection.
  • 9% of the world population – around 697 million people – are severely food insecure.
  • One-in-four people globally – 1.9 billion – are moderately or severely food insecure.

We wish maximum benefit for all..

With respect and love. 18th May 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
LLM Health Law, BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administ.     X @profsaltik

Food & Water Hygiene and Sampling Techniques” hakkında bir yorum

  1. Duran Aydoğmuş

    Dear prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK,
    I read your lesson ” Food & Water Hygiene and Sampling Techniques” and understood it. Thank you very much, with respect and love.
    Duran Aydoğmuş


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