Basic Philosophy of Medicine & Health Services

Dear Phase 1 Students, Research Assistants,
Residents of Atılım University Medical School
and general readers of our website

A one hour lecture with the theme Basic Philosophy of Medicine & Health Services
was held on 27th September 2024.

This presentation is consisted of 52 slides (3,9 MB) and can be downloaded by the following link:


This pdf file was also uploaded to the Moodle system of Atılım University Medical School.

With the hope and expectations of being useful..

I wish all of you a very successfull undergraduate medical education..


Professor of Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration

Basic Philosophy of Medicine & Health Services” hakkında 3 yorum

  1. Geri izleme: Bayrağımız sonsuza dek özgürce dalgalansın.. – Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK

  2. Geri izleme: Bayrağımız sonsuza dek özgürce dalgalansın.. – Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK

  3. Geri izleme: Bayrağımız sonsuza dek özgürce dalgalansın.. – Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK

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