A Call to Action: An Open Letter from Global Health Professionals


A Call to Action: An Open Letter from Global Health Professionals

Signed By Over 3000 Global Health Professionals (Dr. A. Saltık, I added my name..)

10 November 2023
Now more than ever we hope that everyone can take up the calls to action outlined below. The spirit of this letter continues with those who have

You can add your name to the letter here: (Dr. A. Saltık, I added my name..)

The world is alight with horror, grief, and rage. In the last 34 days, we witnessed the mass killing of civilians and numerous violations of international law.

The October 7 Hamas-led attacks on Israel resulted in the deaths of 1400 Israelis.[1] Since then, over 10,818 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, and 175 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank.[2] These events occurred in the context of the decades-long occupation of the Palestinian territories.[3] This escalation of hatred and violence needs to stop. We can and must do better to uphold human rights, health, and wellbeing through coordinated, immediate actions. [3,4]
Click the link below to read entire pdf file (Dr. Ahmet Saltık)


Sevgi ve saygı ile. 14 Kasım 2023, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
A​tılım Üniv. Tıp Fak. Halk Sağlığı ​AbD
​Hekim, Hukukçu-Sağlık Hukuku Uzmanı, ​Mülkiye’li​
www.ahmetsaltik.net        profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik    X : @profsaltik

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