Maternal & Child Health- MCH: Public Health Aspect

Dear Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On the 19th February 2025, we conducted a 2 hours lecture face to face for Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a subject of

Maternal & Child Health– MCH : Public Health Aspect

Here are the 53 power point slides having a rich and up to date content.. (PDF 3,8 MB)

MCH; Public Health Aspect

Additionally, the following subject was also reviewed :

Social groups under risk from the point of MCH (Maternal & Child Health)

Here are the 26 power point slides having a rich and up to date content.. (PDF 2,6 MB)

MCH; Social groups under risk

With respect and love. 21st February 2025, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
LLM; Health Law    BSc; Political Sciences & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net         profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik       X : @profsaltik

Infant & Child Health in Turkiye and the Globe

Dear Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 27th January 2025, we conducted a 2 hour lecture for Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with the subject of

Gobal infant and child health

Here are the 34 power point slides having rich and updated content.. (PDF 2,4 MB)

Additionally, the following subject was also held, by 48 updated slides (4,7 MB).

Infant & Child Health in Turkiye, AHMET SALTIK

Both files were uploaded to the Moodle system of Atılım Univ. Medical School before lecture day, in principle.

With respect and love. 5th February 2025, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net         profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik       X : @profsaltik


Dear Phase 1 Students of

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 24th December 2024, we conducted a 2 hours lecture face to face for Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with the title / topic of


45 slides, 3.6 MB, main material for this lecture, please click the link for pdf file :

Health Education & Promotion AHMET SALTIK

Below are 56 additional slides having a rich and up to date content (PDF 1,7 MB) to support main file above :

And a very valuable supplement, 15 pages, 1 MB : Health Education and Promotion (Concepts)

These files were uploaded Atılım University Medical School, Moodle System.

With respect and love. 28th December 2024, Ankara

Have a very happy new year all of you..

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM

Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of Public Health
LLM (Health Law), BSc (Political Sciences & Public Administration)
www.ahmetsaltik.net         profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik       X : @profsaltik

Asgari ücret için çözüm önerimiz

Prof. Dr. Orhan Şener
27 Kasım 2024, Cumhuriyet

Asgari ücretin açlık ve yoksulluk sınırlarının çok altında kalması nedeniyle yapılacak zammın tutarı hep tartışılır. Asgari ücrete yapılacak zam, işverenin üretim maliyetine daha fazla yansıtılacağından enflasyon da artarak kontrol edilemeyecektir. TÜİK istatistiklerine dayanarak, enflasyon olduğundan çok daha küçük gösterilerek, daha az zam yapılırken sendikalar ve muhalefet ise açlık ve yoksulluğu temel alarak daha fazla zam yapılmasını istemektedir. Yıllardır bu tartışmalar devam eder ve bu kısır döngü kırılamamaktadır. Bizce her iki tarafın tezleri de çözüm getiremez.

Bu yazımızın amacı ise kamu ekonomisinin ilkelerine uygun olarak en tutarlı çözümü tartışmaya açmaktır. Gelişmiş ülkelerde asgari ücret sorununun olmamasının nedeni, enflasyonun kontrol altına alınmasında yatar. Bu ülkelerde maliye politikasıyla ekonomik ve sosyal altyapı gerçekleştiğinden, temel kamu hizmetlerine aile bütçesinden yapılan ödemeler azaldığından enflasyon da kontrol edilebilmektedir. Türkiye’de ise yoksulluğu önleyen ve firmaların üretim maliyetini düşüren, aşağıdaki kamu hizmetleri yeterli kalite ve miktarda üretilemediğinden enflasyon ve asgari ücret sorunu çözülememektedir.


Eğitim hizmetlerinin  kalitesi son derece düşmüş olup ayrıca toplumun yüzde 90’ından fazlası kaliteli eğitime ulaşamamaktadır. Kalitesiz eğitim ise kalitesiz üretime neden olmaktadır. Çözümü temel eğitimin bilimsel ve laik niteliği korunarak kaliteli eğitim verenler dışındaki özel eğitimin kamulaştırılmasıdır.

Sağlık hizmetleri genel olarak son derece yetersiz, kalitesiz ve pahalıdır.
Ayrıca, yetişmiş doktorların yurtdışına gitmeleri ise hizmet kalitesini daha da düşürmüştür. Çözüm, kaliteli sağlık hizmetleri sunan özel vakıf hastanelerin dışındakilerin kamulaştırılmasıdır.

Toplu taşımacılıkta karayolu taşımacılığının sosyal maliyeti deniz yoluna göre 15, demiryoluna göre 10 ve havayolu taşımacılığına göre, yaklaşık 5 kat daha fazla olduğu tahmin edilir. Burada çözüm olarak denizyolu taşımacılığının Yunanistan örneğinde olduğu gibi artırılmalı, İspanya örneğinde olduğu gibi saatte ortalama 300 km hız yapan hızlı trenlere ağırlık verilmelidir. Böylece önemli akaryakıt tasarrufu sağlanacaktır.

Sosyal konutlar düşük gelirlilere kiralanmalı ve isteyene satılmamalıdır. Kişi başına düşen milli gelirin 62 bin dolar olduğu Viyana’daki konutların yarısına yakını sosyal konuttur. Böylece emlak rantı önlendiği gibi ayrıca sosyal konutlar ayda ortalama 500 Avro’ya kiralanmaktadır. Türkiye’de tam tersi yapılmakta olup üretilen sosyal konutların yoksullara kiralanması yerine satılması ise yoksulluğun artmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


Bu hizmetlerin aile bütçesindeki ağırlığı %70’lerde olup gerisi gıda harcamalarına gider.
Kamu hizmetlerinin payı yarı yarıya düşürüldüğünde enflasyon ve asgari ücret sorunu kendiliğinden çözülecektir.
Çözüm önerilerimiz kısa zamanda gerçekleştirilemeyeceğinden, etkin bir planlama uygulamasıyla birkaç yılda kendiliğinden olacaktır.
Bu nedenle başta sendikaların, CHP ve muhalefetteki partilerin Atatürk’ün başarıyla uyguladığı bu tür bir sosyal devlet politikasını savunmaları gerekmektedir.

Vaccination & Public Health

Dear Phase 2 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,

Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 8th October 2024, we’ll conduct a 1 hour lecture for Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a title / topic of

Vaccination & Public Health

Here are 50 main (+25 for further reading) power point slides having a rich and up to date content including COVID-19 vaccines.. (PDF 6 MB)


With respect and love. 8th October 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net         profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik       X @profsaltik

What is Evidence Based Medicine?

Dear Phase 1 Students,
Research Assistants of Atılım University Medical School
and general readers of our website

A two hour lecture with the title What is Evidence Based Medicine?will be conducted on 02nd October 2024, a.m. 11:30 – 12:20 p.m.

This lecture is consisted of 42 slides (6,5 MB) and can be downloaded by the following link :

What is EBM

With the hope and expectations of being usefull..

I wish all of you a very successfull undergraduate medical training at Atılım Medical School..

Professor of Public Health
Atılım University School of Medicine

LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net      profsaltik@gmail.com

Basic Philosophy of Medicine & Health Services

Dear Phase 1 Students, Research Assistants,
Residents of Atılım University Medical School
and general readers of our website

A one hour lecture with the theme Basic Philosophy of Medicine & Health Services
was held on 27th September 2024.

This presentation is consisted of 52 slides (3,9 MB) and can be downloaded by the following link:


This pdf file was also uploaded to the Moodle system of Atılım University Medical School.

With the hope and expectations of being useful..

I wish all of you a very successfull undergraduate medical education..


Professor of Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net      profsaltik@gmail.com

Introduction to Public Health

Dear Phase 1 Students, Research Assistants,
Residents of Atılım University Medical School
and general readers of our website..

A one hour lecture with the theme

Introduction to Public Health 

will be held on 20th September 2024, at 15:30 – 16:20 in Hall 207.

This presentation is consisted of 59 slides (4.1 MB) and can be downloaded by the following link in addition to Moodle media of Atılım University Medical School.


With the hope and expectations of being usefull..

I wish all of you a very successfull undergraduate medical training ..

18th September 2024, Ankara


Professor of Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net      profsaltik@gmail.com

Principles of Health Care Management

Dear Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 13th May 2024, we conducted a 2 hour lecture on zoom for Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a title / topic of

Health Care Management : Principles

Here are the 71 power point slides having a rich and up to date content.. (PDF 8 MB)

Healthcare Management : Principles

Here are some remarks for rapid review..

  • In conclusion: Today’s lecture has provided us with a foundational understanding of the principles of healthcare management.
  • We have explored the multifaceted role of healthcare managers and the competencies required to navigate the complex healthcare environment effectively.
  • We’ve delved into the importance of leadership, strategic planning, and the ethical and legal responsibilities that come with managing healthcare organizations.
  • We’ve also recognized the critical role of financial acumen in ensuring the sustainability of healthcare services and the necessity of continuous quality improvement to enhance patient care.
  • As we move forward, let us carry the knowledge and skills we’ve acquired today into our future roles as healthcare professionals.
  • Remember, the principles of healthcare management are not just theoretical concepts but practical tools that will empower us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we serve.
  • Let’s commit to lifelong learning (LLL!) and self-improvement, for it is through dedication and perseverance that we will lead the way in advancing healthcare for all.
  • Thank you for your engagement and thoughtful participation.
  • May you all become the healthcare leaders our world needs.
  • This conclusion emphasizes the key points discussed during the lecture and encourages students to apply their knowledge practically.
  • It also reinforces the importance of ongoing professional development in the field of healthcare management.

With respect and love. 19th May 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, LLM, BSc
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
LLM in Health Law
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
www.ahmetsaltik.net       profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik     X @profsaltik


Dear Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School

All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff

General public and Media,

On 29th April 2024, we conducted a 2 hours lecture for Phase 1 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a title / topic of


Here are the 59 power point slides having a rich and up to date content. (PDF 8,5 MB)


Food and Water Safety

Brief notes for rapid review                      :

  • Food is vulnerable to contamination by chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, and fungi, posing threats to human and animal health.
  • Analytical methods encompassing microbiological,chemical, physical, immunological, and sensory analyses control this contamination.
  • Before analysis, representative sampling is crucial to assess the overall safety
    of food batches.
  • Timely sampling is essential to minimize the interval between collection and analysis. 
  • Microneedles, micron-sized needles integrated into patches, offer a distinct advantage
    over conventional methods.
  • They enable non-destructive and minimally invasive sampling with precision and expedited field sampling,allowing for the rapid collection of multiple samples.
  • This capability enhances the efficiency of analyzing numerous food contaminants quickly.
  • Microneedle-assisted tools for detecting chemical and biological contaminants in food, significantly improving the speed and efficiency of current analytical methods.

We wish maximum benefit for all..

With respect and love. 18th May 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of  Public Health
LLM Health Law, BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administ.
www.ahmetsaltik.net       profsaltik@gmail.com
facebook.com/profsaltik     X @profsaltik