Management of Work Related & Occupational Diseases Caused by Worksite Air

Dear Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School
All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff
General public and Media,

On 15th March 2024, we conducted a 3 hours lecture for Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a subject of

Management of Work Related & Occupational Diseases Caused by Worksite Air

Here is the 62 slides PDF file (3,9 MB) :
Management of Work Related & Occupational Diseases Caused by Ambient Air

Some important reminders for all..

In the context of managing work-related and occupational diseases caused by ambient air, here are 10 important issues that should be emphasized during the lecture:

1.Respiratory Diseases: Understanding and addressing respiratory conditions caused by workplace air pollution is essential.
2.These include pneumoconioses (such as silicosis and asbestosis), bronchopulmonary diseases related to specific dust exposures (e.g., cotton dust, hard-metal dust), and asthma triggered by work-related sensitizing agents or irritants.
3.Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis: This condition results from inhaling organic dusts or microbially contaminated aerosols at work. Recognizing and preventing it are critical.
4.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD): COPD can arise from various occupational exposures, including coal dust, wood dust, and dust from agricultural work. Implementing preventive measures is crucial to safeguard workers’ lung health.
5.Upper Airways Disorders: These disorders, caused by sensitizing agents or irritants inherent to work processes, impact the upper respiratory tract. Identifying risk factors and minimizing exposure are vital.
6.Scientifically Established Links: It’s essential to establish direct links between exposure to workplace risk factors and specific diseases. By doing so, we can take targeted preventive actions to protect workers’ health.

7.“All workers have the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
European Social Charter, 7th ed., updated: 1st January 2015, Part 1 /3
8.Occupational health practice encompasses the activities of all those who contribute to the protection and promotion of workers’ health-PP and to the improvement of working conditions and environment;
9.These terms should not be understood as merely the practice of occupational health professionals.
10.The institutionalized organizational arrangements to provide such services (i.e., the occupational health services which are part of the infrastructure to protect and promote workers’ health).

With respect and love. 23rd March 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of Public Health
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
LLM in Health Law     X : @profsaltik

Management of Work Related & Occupational Diseases Caused by Worksite Air” hakkında 2 yorum

  1. Duran Aydoğmuş

    Dear Prof. Dr. SALTIK,
    I read your conference :
    “Management of Work Related & Occupational Diseases Caused by Worksite Air“ and understood. Thank you…


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