Noise Pollution and Health

Dear Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School
All medical students,
Medical residents in different branches
Allied health staff
General public and Media,

On 07th March 2024, we’ll conduct a 1 hour lecture for Phase 3 Students of Atılım Univ. Medical School with a subject of Noise Pollution and Health.

Here is the 37 slides PDF file (2,7 MB) : Noise Pollution and Health

Some important reminders for all                    :

  1. Hearing Damage : Noise pollution drives hearing loss, tinnitus, and hypersensitivity to sound. Protect your ears and advocate for noise reduction.
  2. Cardiovascular Risks : Noise can exacerbate cardiovascular diseases.
    It’s not just about what you see on an ECG; consider the noise around
    your patients.
  3. Sleep Disturbances :  Noise disrupts sleep patterns, affecting overall health.
    Prioritize quiet environments for healing.
  4. Stress and Mental Health : Chronic noise exposure leads to stress, cognitive impairments, and memory deficits. Recognize noise as a mental health factor.
  5. Childhood Development : Chronic noise exposure leads to stress, cognitive impairments, and memory deficits. Recognize noise as a mental health factor.
  6. Low Birth Weight: : Noise during pregnancy correlates with low birth weight. Educate expectant mothers about noise exposure.

The Next Public Health Epidemic : City Noise Pollution!

With respect and love. 07th March 2024, Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK MD, BSc, LLM
Atılım Univ. Medical School, Dept. of Public Health
BSc in Political Sciences & Public Administration
LLM in Health Law X : @profsaltik

Noise Pollution and Health” hakkında bir yorum

  1. Duran Aydoğmuş

    Dear Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK, I read and almost understood your lesson “NOISE POLLUTION AND HEALTH.” Thank you very much indeed…


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