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Prof. Rennan E. Pekünlü’nün hapsi hakkında Nature News Blog’da yayınlanan yazı


Sayın Kantarlı hocamızdan, Prof. Rennan E. Pekünlü hakkında Nature News Blog‘da yayınlanan yazıyı aldık..

Paylaşalım ve Sayın Pekünlü’ye sahip çıkalım..

Hukukçular, bu göz göre göre yanlışı düzeltme yolu arasınlar…

Örn. Adalet Bakanı’nın “kanun yolu” aracı…

Sevgi ve saygı ile.
26.7.2013, Ankara

Dr. Ahmet Saltık


Prof. Dr. Rennan Pekünlü‘nün Yargıtay Kararıyla kesinleşen 25 aylık hapis cezasına ilişkin olarak Prof. Dr. Ferhan Sağın’ın girişimiyle Nature News Blog‘da yayınlanan

yazı bilgilerinize sunulur, 26.7.13

Ege Ü. Emekli Öğretim Üyesi



Conviction upheld for Turkish scientist opposing headscarves

 | Posted by Davide Castelvecchi | Category:, 26.7.13)

Posted on behalf of Michele Catanzaro.

A Turkish astrophysicist faces two years of jail for forbidding access to a university building to a student wearing a headscarf. On Thursday, Ankara’s Supreme Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s verdict against Esat Rennan Pekünlü, an astronomer
at Ege University in Izmir.

Pekünlü was first sentenced in September 2012, after student Fatma Nur Gidal accused him of violating her right to education by barring her access to the university building. She also said he had violated her right to privacy, by taking pictures of her and other students who were wearing headscarves on campus. Pekünlü was fined by
Ege University, and after the first conviction, four more students filed similar complaints about him.

A group of eight academic organizations released a statement in support of Pekünlü, raising concerns about the fairness of the trial and framing it as an attack against secular academicians. They wrote that his case should have been handled by an administrative rather than a criminal court. Moreover, Pekünlü cannot avoid prison by paying a caution, since he has been sentenced to 25 months of jail.
Under Turkish law, sentences of up to 24 months can be avoided by paying a fine.

In 2010, Turkey’s Higher Education Board ordered university administrations to lift
a ban over headscarves on university campuses, although Turkish law still forbids the display of religious symbols on the premises of government institutions.